To become a member of IQSA, send a paragraph explaining your interests and achievements in quantum structures to the Secretary Sandro Sozzo, or Treasurer John Harding, preferably by e-mail, at the addresses sandro.sozzo[at] or jharding[at], or by snail mail, at the addresses:
Sandro Sozzo
Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage (DIUM) and CQSCS, University of Udine, Vicolo Florio 2/b, 33100 Udine, Italy
John Harding
Department of Mathematical Sciences, New Mexico State University, 1290 Frenger Mall, MSC 3MB/Science Hall 247, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003-8001, USA
The dues are 20 USD or an equivalent amount in Euro (at the current exchange rate) for each year. Reduced dues (5 USD/year) will be accepted from students till PhD or unemployed. Members may voluntarily choose to pay dues at a higher rate of 50 USD/year as a means of further supporting the organization. The only people who will be considered members without paying dues are the Honorary Members of IQSA and those who are granted special permission from the President.
Membership dues can be sent to John Harding (if you want to pay in USD), or to Sandro Sozzo (if you want to pay in Euro).
Send dues payment, by check in USD, to:
John Harding
Department of Mathematical Sciences
New Mexico State University
1290 Frenger Mall, MSC 3MB/Science Hall 247
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003-8001
or send dues payment by bank transfer to:
Name (recipient): IQSA - Sandro Sozzo
Bank: Barclays Bank, Leicester
Sort code: 204917
Account Nr.: 42258299
SWIFT number: BARCGB22
IBAN number: GB66 BARC 20491742258299
To pay your membership dues by credit, debit card or PayPal credit, you can alternatively use the following PayPal account. There is a small additional charge to cover the credit card fees.
Please inform the Secretary Sandro Sozzo by email that the transfer has been completed.
Those wishing to make a donation to the organization may use the following button to donate via credit, debit, or Paypal. The IQSA is a US tax exempt organization, and donations can be deducted from US income tax. Those interested in making large donations, or donations for a specific purpose, such as a named lectureship or Chair, travel funds for students, and educational outreach, should contact the Treasurer Richard Greechie.